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Admerasia’s ‘Visit our Agency’ video

Most movies on video now come with the standard special features or featurettes. These can be about interviews with cast and crew, a behind-the-scenes look, or scenes that ended up in the cutting room floor but added in the featurettes section for the delectation of a movie fiend or, shall we say, a true-blue cineaste?!

This video is called Visit our Agency. If it became a TV show, you could say it could pass off as a trailer or preview, to The Office. But it’s just something we produced for people to see how hard we (hardly) work, and how you can see us in person, if the urge compels you. We prefer if you have a really good business reason to see us.

It stars the Admerasia office with the staff as its supporting characters. Okay, that won’t really fly and can rile up some people. So let me rephrase that and say, the Visit our Agency video stars are the staff with the Admerasia office providing the backdrop in the drama, comedy and action that unfolds here. That’s better.

Now as stated, here’s the Visit our Agency with the special feature, three possible scripts I wrote for a planned voiceover that didn’t materialize, because the web development team felt the video was better with the jaunty tune. I agree, but here are the three possible scripts of what the voiceover might have been. Take your pick of the litter.


It’s about time Elevator, lights and computer being turned on
You meet the creative minds Admerasia staff in meeting
Advancing the multicultural market Accounts team leader presenting to staff
With inspired creativity and innovation Fish, toy, airplane, paper throwing
Determining measurable results Media team, tear sheets
In the right direction Billiard ball and golf ball going in

We switch you on Elevator, lights and computer being turned on
…Our strategic process Admerasia staff in meeting
…Our creative inspiration Fish, toy, airplane, paper throwing
…Our tracking system Media team, tear sheets
…Our ace-in-the-hole solution Billiard ball and golf ball going in

Welcome to Admerasia… Elevator
Where creativity flows freely Admerasia staff meeting
Different voices are heard Admerasia staff
Everything is inspiration Fish, toy, airplane, paper throwing
Collaboration produces results Media team and ripping tear sheets
The message is delivered to the right audience Billiard ball and golf ball getting inside holes