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About Americanize. Why who?

This blog serves as a resource tool for companies targeting Asians in the U.S. or Asian Americans; there’s a distinction and they can all be of the following heritage: Chinese, Asian Indians, Filipinos, Koreans, just to name a few.

But are they really being Americanized? To some degree, yes, but it’s precisely because they have distinct cultures and different languages that companies still need to create specific ads for them, especially when te Internet gives them access to their culture more so now than 15 years ago.

So why would companies like McDonalds or Western Union be interested in the Asian American market? It’s a $700-billion market and growing. Even AdAge proclaims it as “the most attractive consumer-market segment in the country” with its “heritage, family values, academic prowess, adaptability and rising spending clout.”

Based in New York, Dennis Clemente has been copywriting and translating or trans-creating for the Asian American market for more than 7 years now. He is an award-winning conceptual ad copywriter, journalist, translator, content strategist and, yes Asian cultural specialist.

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